無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト



無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト



無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト

Not actually me, obviously, but apart from that it's accurate. How many of you watched the aurora?

無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト

Goodday mastodonians!!

It’s Will-hay Nelson!! 🤣

無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト




無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト



無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト


無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト

Dave Bowie and Iggy Pop in Copenhagen, 1976.
Wagon Lits restaurant-car. Not sure if they came on the Scandinavia Express.( Hoek of Holland-Copenhagen, vital raillink connecting United Kingdom with Norther Europe in these days ).

#train #DaveBowie #IggyPop #WagonLits

無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト

They are playing more today. Running around like nutters. The only time I can get good photos of them is when they are sleeping.

#cats #kittens #CatsOfMastodon

無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト
無頼漢チェダー さんがブースト

New(ish) account, new home.

I'm a freelance tech writer / software developer / KM project manager based in Europe. Digitally, I was born in the 90s. So I grew up eating cyberpunk books, BBSes, home computers, hacking, then the first doses of Internet and the Web.

In the 90s and the first 00s I developed my (ahem) "philosophy": digital spaces are (can be, should be) autonomous zones where different cultures, and sub/counter-cultures, can thrive.

These are the years of the enshittification of Internet, but it can't rain forever (cit.) and I see the Fediverse as a new opportunity for some of us to recreate better and safer digital spaces.

That's the "vision". Than there's the daily life: I write code (awful, mostly), help companies in managing their knowledge bases, write technical documentation, sometimes write tech articles for (mostly unknown) business tech manazines.

In the spare time, I tinker with Linux, SCB boards and "old" languages like Forth, Assembly and Lisp. I'm convinced that permacomputing and, maybe, collapse computing are our digital future. So, "back to basics" seems a good idea.

I have a blog that I consider more a digital garden. No daily or even regular posts, when I feel I have something to share, I write. It's very basic, because it's like a perma-garden: no strange languages, web framework, dynamic stuff or whatever.

That's all, I guess. Nice to meet ya.

#softwaredevelopment #km #linux #forth #assembly #permacomputing #collapsecomputing #solarpunk

