
Just learned something interesting... I use Firefox for my personal browser, and have two privacy extensions installed, Ublock Origin and DuckDuckGo Essentials.

I ran the EFF browser privacy test using both plugins and learned that while ads and trackers were being blocked, I had a perfectly unique browser fingerprint which is trackable itself.

I also learned that using both of these extensions may have diminishing returns, so I disabled DDG and reran the test... Now I only have a "nearly unique" browser fingerprint.

TL;DR - more than one privacy extension does not equal more privacy.

Misskey v13がリリースされました!!!


詳しくはリリースノートをご覧ください。 特に運営者の方は、対応が必要な点がいくつかあるので注意してください。


I wanted to take a few moments and apologize to many of my former students.

In the past I said the industry needs people who look at security as a vocation and an avocation.

I was wrong.

Have a life outside of this industry.

Have hobbies that have nothing to do with your computer.

Get outside.

The problems of the industry are not problems of people not working hard enough.

They are not problems of people not being "hard core" enough.

They are problems of education and resource prioritization.

I was wrong.

I am sorry.

Stop breaking yourself on rocks for people who don't really care if you break yourself on rocks.

If you’re outraged about Adobe sending your pictures off their servers (you should be), please know other vendors do this too. That horse has already bolted.

Eg Microsoft Edge automatically sends your key presses in Edge to MS - enabled by default winbuzzer.com/2022/09/19/micro

Microsoft Office 365 sends every photo and screenshot you add in Word, PowerPoint etc (including in emails) to Microsoft 365 Intelligent Services without prompt support.microsoft.com/en-us/of

my little seal #cats :boost_requested:

this new instance isn't much federated, so please boost this belly

I'm more or less part of the fediverse since 2017, but I still can't get over the fact that you people are describing images, very often making me almost content with not being able to see them at all. I've never seen so many people taking time to write meaningful descriptions on this level anywhere else.

It really, really means a lot! Thank you for making it awesome for everyone! Keep 'em coming! ☺️

New video premieres in 15 minutes: youtube.com/watch?v=zu0hyIwKDm

"We need to talk about Dropout", in which we talk about media, pivoting to video, the life and death of CollegeHumor, and discuss the Dropout video player.

underselling setHTML? I said "guaranteed to be secure" at least twice :) I do agree that there's a lot of value in a good CSP (and in TT) - as I believe I said during Q&A. However, it's become apparent that not a lot of developers can afford that. I also notice the difference between "number of page loads" and "web pages out there", but I really intend to make it work for every page author. Hence my focus. I totally get yours though!

talked about the Sanitizer API at #HIP22, starting at ~15:30 of streaming.media.ccc.de/jev22/r.

My feeling after watching the talk is that he's underselling the value: for many web applications `el.setHTML(str)` is a drop-in replacement for `el.innerHTML = str` that will satisfy developer needs while removing the risk of DOM-based XSS. There are some subtleties around the edges that we need to work out, but I'm really looking forward to that core shipping in Firefox and landing in WebKit.

"Etch A TV is a simple modem that uses two tones to represent an X and Y coordinate. This allows drawing simple images over radio. It's designed for ham radio use over 3khz SSB." by #hamradio #othernetworks github.com/xssfox/etch-a-tv

Good post about ReDOS and why some bug classes add more noise than signal: blog.yossarian.net/2022/12/28/ (via ). Fits well with Mark Curpheys recent blog posts at blog.crashoverride.com/

hi I made a table of all the wikipedia "whale size" diagrams and categorized whether the cetacean in question seemed happy with the presence of the SCUBA diver (for scale)


:hyuki: 朝の散歩をしながら散歩について思う





つまり散歩という意識はあまりなかったんですね。多分そのときでも1日に 10,000歩近く歩いていたと思いますが。





Every day the New York Times tries to convince me to read an article in their app instead of on the web because it is “better in the app.”

I downloaded the app to see why it is better. It appears to be an embedded web view showing the same article. If anything, it loads slower.

Pushing people to native apps for things that the web is great at is so stupid.

Several people in my mentions confused about the legal and technical differences between content and metadata in communications systems.

This 2016 paper by my colleagues (, Susan Landau, Stephanie Pell, and me) probably won't make you any less confused, but will at least make you feel better about it.


Software created using taxpayers’ money should be released as Free Software. Can you help us to achieve it?

🔹Sign our Open Letter publiccode.eu/
🔸 Support our work! my.fsfe.org/donate

#PMPC #SoftwareFreedom

As the years pass, the last witnesses to the nightmare of Auschwitz are passing away.

What remains is the historical site itself, and the objects within it that allow historians & conservators to learn the stories of individuals.


Listen to podcasts created by Bartosz Panek and Jarosław Kociszewski from New Eastern Europe. They invited historians to talk about different aspects of the history of Auschwitz: neweasterneurope.eu/2022/11/23

#Auschwitz #history #podcast

