Just some nonsense from GitHub CEOS. You are taking others' code without giving any credit and pretending to be for the betterment of humanity. Be honest, man. It is all about money.
When inventor Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1923, he refused to put his name on the patent. He felt it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives. Now that is what I call the *betterment of humanity* and not this your bullshit generative AI.
SFTP 实在是太低效了,rclone 也没法用 rsync,最后非常扭曲地选择了在每次同步前用 ssh 在 remote 上临时开一个 WebDav server 并 tunnel 到本地,WebDav via SSH 也比 SFTP 高效多了。
有关 SFTP 在效率上的缺陷,HPN-SSH 的作者曾在 SO 提到过,简单概括就是 SSH 做了 mux 和 flow control,然后 SFTP 又在 SSH 的基础上继续做了一层类似的事情,雪上加霜的是 buffer 也都很小,最后就对 LFN 非常不友好。
想起之前有段时间一直想模仿 droplamp 的风格做一个 anison 的 garage remix。在添加了 vocal 之后,仅仅只是从 splice 里拖了一段 garage 的 loop 进来,就已经觉得相当悦耳了。可惜最后也还是没有成品出来…
QT: https://fedibird.com/@equim/110668028873188067 [参照]
Creator of Mortal & https://mjai.ekyu.moe | INTP-T | Novice producer & DJ | Rustacean | Arch Linux