
有一首大概是某 TV 动画的主题曲,隐约记得歌词里有几句以「まわれ」「踊ろう」「キラキラ」结尾,并且在结尾间奏时有「babybaby baby」的 filler,然而凭借这些一直都搜索不到原曲。今天终于找到了, 


有好几次,在 :soundcloud: 上 stumble upon 了相当喜欢的 artist,但却发现已经数年没有新曲,就连社交账号也从某个时间点起再无更新,总会因此感到难过和担忧

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右边刚做种植牙,左边又口腔溃疡 :blobcatconfounded:

Equim さんがブースト

ADHD people: switching between things very quickly.

also ADHD people: tasks must be challenging enough to be engaging, but not so challenging that it triggers frustration intolerance.

... this is literally impedance matching.

I will not fall for the cliffhanger trick in Shiguang Dailiren again. If I'm going to watch the next season, I'm going to binge-watch it.

好像是我改错了,有一些层应该 nonlinearity='linear' 的。


按照 adityassrana.github.io/blog/th 一文的说法,用“正确”的方式初始化了模型参数,结果甚至 train 不起来。想起以前不知在哪看到的「大家都在 overfit Adam」,感觉多少也是异曲同工。或许无形中已经 overfit 了 PyTorch 默认的不科学的 init。

被 nvidia-open-dkms 坑了一下,然后还没有 VNC 能去修 :blobcatfrowning:

还是觉得好きめが第一话开头的那段钢琴原声好棒,有很浓厚的 galgame 感。

总感觉 miniserve 自带的配色主题无论哪个都有点阴间…

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Just some nonsense from GitHub CEOS. You are taking others' code without giving any credit and pretending to be for the betterment of humanity. Be honest, man. It is all about money.

When inventor Frederick Banting discovered insulin in 1923, he refused to put his name on the patent. He felt it was unethical for a doctor to profit from a discovery that would save lives. Now that is what I call the *betterment of humanity* and not this your bullshit generative AI.

在推素晴日 HD 的后日谈 

感觉 yuki 的声音苍老了好多

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