【Starryskyをご利用の方へ重要なお知らせ】 Starryskyはサービスを停止することになりました。 Basic版:再開せずに終了となります Query Engine版:可能な限り早めに他のジェネレーターへの乗り換えをお願いします 詳細はブログ記事を参照ください。 フィードクリエイター様、ご利用者様には多大なるご迷惑をおかけしますが、何卒ご理解のほどよろしくお願いします。
立民新人議員にダブル不倫報道、小川幹事長が注意 「自民のウミ出し切る」と訴え初当選 https://www.sankei.com/article/20241114-ONOWIO6BNNPM7HXSFWXDUEO36M/
so, i was browsing https://isp.netscape.com/ at 3am like a normal girl in her early 20's does, when i noticed something weird... what the fuck is this "download browser" thing? it downloads a file called "AOL_Netscape.exe", what the fuck is that
CakeWallet has a novel feature I wasn't aware of until now. If you pin an XMR (or other supported) wallet address on your TwiXer profile, or put it in your bio, CakeWallet will automagically map to that address if you input the TwiXer handle in the Sending dialogue.
I would very much like to see this feature extended to Fedi. Support for addresses in bio fields is already a part of Mitra, I'm sure it'd be simple enough to integrate
Lonely Japanese high school students developing and taking photographs.
Please call me "Dampuzakura-San" or "Dan-San".
Reciprocal links wanted!
Bluesky Bridge: @dampuzakura.github.io