今年聴いた音楽:2024年9月 - udon_noodles
Giant Corporations™ are scraping my little git server to feed their ever-hungry, planet-destroying plagiarism machines.
So now, instead of getting my code, they get a 10GB treat.
Fucking THIEVES.
Stressed? Go outside. Touch grass. Roll around in the grass. Become a cow. Moo. You don’t have to answer emails anymore. You’re a cow now
Todays haul
I believe the "Picture & Music content" is the same as the ones LGR had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyM7qV1tKVA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu_UB9okkOc
QT: https://fedibird.com/@cranberry/113179271930873035 [参照]
前は自MisskeyとかAkkoma, GoToSocialとかしてたけど今はここに居候してます☕️🌱🦭
♡→🐰🦜, ファービー