bfried68 さんがブースト

Florida's university system directed all public universities in the state to disband chapters of the pro-Palestinian student group National Students for Justice in Palestine on Wednesday..#Florida..#GOP..#Israel..

bfried68 さんがブースト

Florida's university system directed all public universities in the state to disband chapters of the pro-Palestinian student group National Students for Justice in Palestine on Wednesday..#Florida..#GOP..#Israel..

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

#Netanyahu has turned Israel from an asset to a burden and then to a [USA] protectorate.

A very strong opinion piece by Leon Hadar [*] in the Hebrew edition of #Haaretz, which I couldn't find in the English edition.


Under a Prime Minister who throughout his political career has parroted, like a "drugged parrot", the myth of the strategic asset – the man who tried to convince the American elite and public that the US needs #Israel no less and perhaps more than Israel needs the #US, and that Israel is the "US aircraft carrier in the Middle East" – Israel has become an American client state [protectorate] that depends for its existence on the protection of two American aircraft carriers and 2,000 US Marines who may die fighting for Israel.

It is more than ironic that while under the rule of a government whose right-wing supporters boasted that under Benjamin Netanyahu Israel has become a global military and technological superpower, we are exposed to the humiliating spectacle of an American president and his Secretary of State participating in meetings of the Israeli war cabinet and gently dictating to Israel what it must do (and also what not to do).

Hebrew: haaretz.co.il/opinions/2023-10

[*] Global affairs analyst, journalist, blogger and author.


bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

I’m a progressive, visited #Gaza and the West Bank. I understand the issues somewhat. But #progressives sweeping away #warcrimes & #humanrights violations perpetrated by #hamas in #israel is vile. The far left is small but has considerably media skills. That #hamas has destroyed a relatively stable situation in Gaza to deliberately inflame hostilities ahead of talks with #SaudiArabia, is all ignored and knee jerk dogma and dehumanizing anger & hostility is pushed. To what end?

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

NBC News:
Gaza is plagued by poverty, but Hamas has no shortage of cash. Where does it come from?

The unemployment rate in Gaza is 47% and more than 80% of its population lives in poverty... Hamas, however, has funded an armed force of thousands equipped with rockets ... drones... built a vast web of tunnels... Estimates of its annual military budget range from $100 million to $350 million...

#News #WorldNews #War #Israel

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bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

#Israel 's military has confirmed it launched extensive attacks on the strip, targeting " #Hamas operatives and terrorist infrastructure".

The #IDF says tunnel shafts, military headquarters and munitions warehouses were destroyed.

On Tuesday, the IDF said it hit at least 400 sites, and the day before, 320. It has not yet put a number on the number of strikes on Wednesday.

bfried68 さんがブースト

🇮🇱 🇷🇺 Israel has expressed its dissatisfaction with Russia over its frequent statements against the Jewish state in the context of the war in Gaza, the Foreign Ministry told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.


#israel #russia #palestine #hamas

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bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

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ACT is not about fighting your pain; it’s about developing a willingness to embrace every experience life has to offer. It’s not about resisting your emotions; it’s about feeling them completely and yet not turning your choices over to them. ACT offers you a path out of suffering by helping you choose to live your life based on what matters to you most.

#books #nonfiction #ACT

bfried68 さんがブースト

US Department of Defense:
In response to recent escalation by Iran and its militias across the Middle East, the US will advance the aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the US Central Command area of ​​responsibility, along with a THAAD anti-ballistic missile battery and Patriot missile batteries.
#AureFreePress #News #Israel #gaza #Hamas

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