bfried68 さんがブースト

Catastrophic decline of Russian ruble: Kremlin’s economy cannot cope with waging war: benborges.xyz/2023/10/07/catas

bfried68 さんがブースト

Military: Russia launches over 700 strikes on Kupiansk-Lyman axis in one day: benborges.xyz/2023/10/07/milit

bfried68 さんがブースト

❌ Війна проти Ізраїлю з боку Хамаса, Ірана та скоріше за все русні як спонсора тероризму, для самої русні має за ціль відволікти колективний Захід від підтримки України, адже Штати передусім захищатимуть Ізраїль.

Й примара великої війни на Близькому Сході очевидна

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

🇺🇸🇺🇦“Bombs are falling on children”: “The X-Files” star Gillian Anderson calls for help for Ukrainians. American actress Gillian Anderson recorded a video message in which she called for help for children affected by the Russian invasion. "Bombs are still falling on children in Ukraine. I was there and saw with my (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #USA #Press #News #russia #russiaUkraineWar #9yrInvasionofUkraine #BoycottMusk #EndMusk

@georgetakei airs her dirty look laundry on tik tok to entertain morons and wonders why he cheats.

bfried68 さんがブースト

Antonov has agreed with the French company Turgis Gaillard on the production of Aarok MALE drones in Ukraine. The agreement was concluded last week during the visit of French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecorne to Kyiv. latribune.fr/entreprises-finan

bfried68 さんがブースト

"Lithuania and Ukraine agreed on a corridor for grain transit from Ukraine to Baltic ports. This should reduce pressure on the Ukrainian border and increase supplies to Africa and beyond," Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis said.

bfried68 さんがブースト

HIMARS visited a training ground for Russian troops in Yasynuvata, Donetsk region.

bfried68 さんがブースト

The US is offering Poland to transfer part of its existing Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine in exchange for Washington supplying Poland with Israeli-made Iron Dome air defense systems, Politico writes.

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

Rheinmetall has booked a major order for 155mm artillery ammunition. Delivery is scheduled to take place in 2024.

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

With yet another stellar jobs report, Joe Biden has created over 14 million jobs since taking office. Over 800,000 of those have been in manufacturing. Joe Biden is focused on building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out, the way it should be. Voters should be giving him credit, but they are being poisoned by a media environment that creates false equivalencies with Republicans—who, by the way, have a terrible record for job creation compared to Democrats.

