bfried68 さんがブースト

It's time we realize it is unlikely this war can end without Putin, Shoigu, Lavrov, Pezkov Gerasimov and the propagandist at the Hague.

RT @nexta_tv@twitter.com

About 10,300 new graves were found in #Mariupol - The Associated Press

Most of them are located in the cemetery in Old Crimea. The total area where the graves are located is more than 51,500 square meters.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/16

bfried68 さんがブースト

The great thing about lightweight attorney's getting caught witness tampering and suborning perjury is that they will turn on their clients who went along with it and burn them to the ground to get a reduced sentence.

bfried68 さんがブースト

t.me/United24media/2125 ⚠️🇺🇦 In Ukraine, by the summer it is possible to stabilize the energy system and stop power outages if there are no shelling. This was stated by Minister of Energy Galushchenko in an interview with Forbes.
"The speed of recovery is connected with the shelling. If there are no shellings, even taking into account the already damaged generation, we will stabilize the system by the summer," he said. (More) #Ukraine #News #War #Russia

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

100%. I know two former HR peeps that left Tesla because of his absurd requests. They got sick of telling him that what he was requesting was illegal pretty much daily.

bfried68 さんがブースト

I actually know some of the people who had to do this. I've lived with people while they worked at Tesla, and worked with people from SPACEX. SpaceX does a much better job of filtering his abuse.

bfried68 さんがブースト

This is absolutely the case, especially at SpaceX. USAF/USSF/NASA have all told him to get bent on more than one occasion w/r/t some stupid idea. The professionals there manage the place very well which is the only reason its successful to date.

bfried68 さんがブースト

I’ve heard the same from a lot of folks… he’s got competent minders in other areas but in managing Twitter we see his own actions without guardrails and it’s chaotic AF

bfried68 さんがブースト

I've definitely heard credible (imho) reports about exactly this.

Reminds me a lot of Tr*mps handlers.

bfried68 さんがブースト

Long term amphetamine dependency explains everything about his increasingly unhinged behavior. #Adderall is not his friend, no matter what the little voices in his head tell him.

bfried68 さんがブースト

I am so convinced that all his more functioning companies have some kind of elaborate elon hamster wheel that he can tire himself out on

@malwaretech anecdotes of exactly this have been shared by SpaceX people.

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

I think Mastodon is absolutely fantastic. No shadowbanning or suppression and WE are the algorithm. Thank you to Mastodon and the administrators of servers and everyone using it. 🖖

bfried68 さんがブースト

There’s a streetcar in The Hague running in blue and yellow colors. 🇺🇦
The interesting fact about the tram is that it 🚋 stops in front of the International Court of Justice.
☑️ I really hope that this same tram will carry Putin and his criminals to the court one day in the near future. #Ukraine #UkraineWar

bfried68 さんがブースト
bfried68 さんがブースト

I was a bit skeptical at first, but it feels like Mastodon in now approaching escape velocity.

Made me realize the idea of "micro-blogging" (if you can still call it that) is actually bigger and distinct from the company that popularized it.

bfried68 さんがブースト

"To date, in almost nine months, Russia has already lost more than 100,000 personnel, 3,000 tanks and about 6,000 other armoured vehicles in Ukraine."

Source: General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operational information as of 06:00 on 22 December 2022 regarding the Russian invasion

