kolektiva.social kolektiva.social
Kolektiva is an anti-colonial anarchist collective that offers federated social media to anarchist collectives and individuals in the fediverse. For the social movements and liberation!
O3O o3o.ca
欢迎来到o3o(嘟站)!这是一个泛话题社区,无论你的兴趣是什么,你都可以自由地通过发布“嘟嘟”来吐槽一切、摸鱼扯皮。 本社区由位于加拿大的 O3O.Foundation 项目运营。我们相信由社会组织运营基本通讯软件和设施是必要的,它们不应被控制在大型企业和政府手中。
Mastodon Canada mstdn.ca
A community for Canadians, First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples of the great white north.
LGBTQIA+ and Tech tech.lgbt
We welcome all marginalized identities. This Mastodon instance is generally for folks who are LGBTQIA+ and Allies with an interest in tech work, academics, or technology in general.
ぼすきー voskey.icalo.net
合成音声ソフト関連コンテンツ全般が好きな人向け それ以外はジャンルもキャラもトーク系かソング系かも特に定まってない、ゆるいぼんやりサーバーです。 創作したい人もファンとして楽しみたい人もご自由にどうぞ。 雑談や独り言などに使ってください(目的が無いサーバーのため) 他のサーバーがメインの方もサブにどうぞ。 注意:個人運営の小さなサーバーのため、Twitterのような使い方が難しい事は予めご承知おき下さい。 ★新規登録再開しました。ぼちぼち覗かれてください。
Mastodon social.tchncs.de
A friendly server from Germany – which tends to attract techy people, but welcomes everybody. This is one of the oldest Mastodon instances.
お絵かきすきー oekakiskey.com
mastodon.scot mastodon.scot
A server intended for (but not limited to) users in Scotland or who identify as Scottish.
Mastodon App UK mastodonapp.uk
UK Hosted and Managed Mastodon Instance. General communal space for discussion, everyone welcome!
La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media Fédéré mamot.fr
Mamot.fr est un serveur Mastodon francophone, géré par La Quadrature du Net.
alive.bar alive.bar
你好,欢迎使用 alive.bar 社交媒体实例。 alive.bar 仅仅是一个服务器位于美国的网站,它使用了「长毛象(Mastodon)」服务。
ohai.social ohai.social
ohai.social is a cozy, fast and secure Mastodon server where everyone is welcome. Run by the folks at ohai.is.
The Wandering Shop wandering.shop
Wandering.Shop aims to have the vibe of a quality coffee shop at a busy SF&F Convention. Think tables of writers, fans and interested passers-by sharing drinks and conversation on a variety of topics.
Mastodon @ SDF mastodon.sdf.org
"I appreciate SDF but it's a general-purpose server and the name doesn't make it obvious that it's about art." - Eugen Rochko
NAS noauthority.social
Long live NAS!