Es curioso como la primerísima reacción al ver esos carros, en quienes estudiamos o trabajamos (o ambas) en la Universidad Nacional es "oh, un carro de la Universidad", incluso después de tantos años. [Este es un carro de Naciones Unidas en una calle de Jerusalén Oeste.]

@avillavecesn One of my students in Berlin was a German with Palestine father and Turkish mother. He stopped doing mathematics after his Diplom degree but was the most successful Diplom candidates studied with me. I just remembered about him reading your story about the Palestine university.

I like the layering of memories and interpretations sometimes those pictures may bring about!

Do you know what is your former student now doing?


@avillavecesn The student became an IT person at LuftHanza but I do not know if he is still working there.

