
RT @fujitatakanori@twitter.com

短期間でこの機会に乗じて儲けるだけ儲ける、みたいな団体、組織が増えそうだし、今後も悪しき教訓になりそう。暗澹たる気持ちになるが日本の現状なので仕方ない。 twitter.com/saorin0212/status/

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RT @kbts_sci@twitter.com



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RT @nobushiromasaki@twitter.com



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RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

Lastly, matricides/patricides of the elderly under homecare are increasing in today’s Japan. Prof. Narita’s remarks may or may not have impacted this trend since the comment was made a year ago. There is no way to prove the influence but the resurgent trend may. Look up 集団自決

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

The media channel Prof. Narita chose to speak on these thoughts (albeit in response to a question) are watched by many younger viewers. Installing these highly problemeatic ideas to the youths may have serious repercussions, even in the form of a crime.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

What @Yale@twitter.com Prof. Narita has suggested here is a system where elderlies can willingly end/shorten their lives. PAS is still heavily debated in Japan regardless of age. And a man of his stature calling on to the elderlies (or their families) to choose to do so is only problematic.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

In his argument, @YaleEconomics@twitter.com Prof. Narita presents “voluntary euthanasia” or physician-assisted suicide (PAS) as one of the ‘layers’ that construct his metaphorical use of “mass suicide”, meaning the elderlies should ‘volunteer’ to shorten their lives.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

As I recall, your law department @YaleLawSch@twitter.com has one the most extensive archives of the where the , including the against the elderlies which was executed as a matter of , were prosecuted.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

So however “metaphorical” the intent may have been, ‘the policy of集団自決’ your faculty member proposed as the “only solution” to a problem could only mean a systematic enforcement of mass suicide by the elderlies, enforced by those in power. @YaleEconomics@twitter.com, Is this acceptable?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

“自決” has two meanings in Japanese; 1) “the act of determining its own mind/path” and 2) the act of “killing oneself”. National self-determination is termed as “民族自決”
, whereas “自決” when used in conjunction with the mass “集団” could only mean “mass suicide.”

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

The term he used “集団自決” was commonly used during wartime for forced mass suicide by the Japanese Imperial Army, especially in . In other words, it is NOT a self-initiated suicide but one that is forced upon from those in power.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

@Yale@twitter.com Assistant Prof. Narita later said in an interview that he was only being “metaphorical,” that he meant for the elderlies to ‘depart’ on its own to make ways to their privileged position. But that’s NOT how you use the term (mass suicide).

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @tkatsumi06j@twitter.com

In a live news show, @YaleEconomics@twitter.com AP asserted that the “only solution” to resolve the aging population issue in Japan is to “let elderlies commit mass suicide before they become a harm to society.”
I ask you. @Yale@twitter.com, is this acceptable?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/status

RT @shine_sann@twitter.com



自宅なく、車上で暮らす男を逮捕銃刀法違反容疑 北海道・中標津(STVニュース北海道)

🐦🔗: twitter.com/shine_sann/status/

RT @jun_makino@twitter.com

news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/c4f5 新型コロナ「もう第8波に入っていると思う」大阪・吉村知事会見1月11日(全文1) -- それはさすがに認識が3ヶ月遅れているのではないか?大阪府大丈夫なのか?(修辞的疑問)まあ兵庫県も同じだ。

🐦🔗: twitter.com/jun_makino/status/

RT @nogawam@twitter.com

山上容疑者と井上議員との関係に絞れば井上議員は加害者に加担した立場なのに、「甘ったれるな」というのは二次加害じゃないのか。/山上容疑者へ「甘ったれるな」 旧統一教会の支援受けた自民・井上氏:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASR1C56KCR1

🐦🔗: twitter.com/nogawam/status/161

RT @nogawam@twitter.com

「報道ベースの供述を信用していません。別の勢力によるテロの可能性だって十分にあり得るはずです」 「別の勢力」! 陰部論かよ! /山上容疑者へ「甘ったれるな」 旧統一教会の支援受けた自民・井上氏:朝日新聞デジタル asahi.com/articles/ASR1C56KCR1

🐦🔗: twitter.com/nogawam/status/161

RT @tomowakatan@twitter.com


原子力協議会が新年会合 再稼働に意欲 /茨城 | 毎日新聞 mainichi.jp/articles/20230111/

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RT @hayakawa2600@twitter.com


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