Lest anyone doubt that Twitter was idiotic enough to release code that would cause a race condition and result in its own users doing a DDOS attack on it, here's the network console readout from Firefox showing all the network requests blasting away.
Unbelievable. It's amateur hour.
This is hilarious. Twitter appears to be DDOSing itself.
Something's wrong with Twitter so feeds aren't loading. Nothing loads, but my Twitter feed is still trying to load, but it doesn't stop trying after so many attempts.
Notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. I haven't done anything more than attempt to view my home feed. Now notice the bouncing scrollbar.
I'm gonna guess there was an bug introduced that was resulting in an endless loop of trying to fetch results, but with no results available, Twitter would have basically been DDOSing itself.
* API利用料がたかすぎるのでスクレイピング続出
* 無料でスクレイピングとかけしからんからログインしないと見れないようにする
* ログインしてスクレイピングされるとおなじなので、対策でかなり低めのレートリミットつける(?)
* 結果、通常のユーザーもレートリミット制限に引っかかる
Twitterの可読数上限、1000投稿/1日に。「Twitterオワコン、サ終」未曾有の批判殺到でどんどん上がる https://smhn.info/202307-elon-musk-madness
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Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. (Einstein)