Es curioso como la primerísima reacción al ver esos carros, en quienes estudiamos o trabajamos (o ambas) en la Universidad Nacional es "oh, un carro de la Universidad", incluso después de tantos años. [Este es un carro de Naciones Unidas en una calle de Jerusalén Oeste.]

@avillavecesn One of my students in Berlin was a German with Palestine father and Turkish mother. He stopped doing mathematics after his Diplom degree but was the most successful Diplom candidates studied with me. I just remembered about him reading your story about the Palestine university.

Also, connected with your Berlin connection, I will see Janos this weekend in Haifa!


@avillavecesn Please say hallo to Janos from me. He might feel impressed knowing that I am now writing papers in connection with extended logics like:


By the way in the second paper your name and your strongly unfoldable cardinals are mentioned several times.

I will. The internet here at Hebrew University doesn't allow me to open those papers! (I will try to open them later!)

@avillavecesn I just remembered that when I was in Jerusalem the network servers of math department were called sunrise and sunset apparently after the famous song in "fidler on the roof". Are these names still preserved?

I don't know. I only use my laptop and connect to the guest wireless...

I could now open the paper. It really looks interesting, very layered with a lot of results! Thanks a lot!

