

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

RT @imakefoss@twitter.com

I used screen+irssi for years. Since last year I've switched to @RiotChat@twitter.com (now @element_hq@twitter.com) with IRC-Matrix bridge.

@matrixdotorg@twitter.com is an open standard for #decentralised secure communication. It's #FOSS, it's federated, it's great! I'm there as @cybette@twitter.com:matrix.org

🐦🔗: twitter.com/imakefoss/status/1

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト
matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

Have you been wanting to try out and the @element_hq client but haven't really been sure how to get started? Well here is a guide on how to do exactly that! #opensource #encryption #privacy frontpagelinux.com/tutorials/b




matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

It's time to read This Week in Matrix! Get updates on Dendrite, Conduit, Synapse, NovaChat, gomuks, the spec, and many more! #twim #decentralisation #matrix matrix.org/blog/2020/07/31/thi


matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

In a decentralised world, an inside job could only impact a single server instance... and in an E2EE verified world, the insider wouldn't be able to spoof messages anyway. We should get on and add signing for public messages to Matrix's E2EE.

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

RT @josephfcox@twitter.com

Update from us from speaking to people involved in the hack and obtaining more screenshots: Twitter employee leveraged access to internal tool to help take over accounts today. Hackers paid insider vice.com/en/article/jgxd3d/twi

🐦🔗: twitter.com/josephfcox/status/

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト
matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

Friday! #twim day! This Week in Matrix has all the news!
Did you hear about the big Riot rebrand?
Plus: conferences with Matrix, #Rust servers, Twitter DM bridging, Matrix Live discussing #chatbot assistants and more! #decentralization matrix.org/blog/2020/07/17/thi

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

RT @ComputerWeekly@twitter.com

RT @ABridgwater@twitter.com: In its element -- Universal Secure Collaboration is made for 'these strange times'
Matrix is an open protocol for decentralised communication

🐦🔗: twitter.com/ComputerWeekly/sta

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

Time for This Week in Matrix! Check out Matrix Live for bridging news, Dendrite progress, P2P, and just so many things! #decentralization #twim matrix.org/blog/2020/07/24/thi



matrix-jp.netのメンテナンスのどの情報は以下のMatrix roomでも配信するようにしますので是非ご活用ください。


matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

Want a sneak peek Yggdrasil-powered P2P Matrix demo? Pick a peer from github.com/yggdrasil-network/p, spin up a local dendrite: GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/matrix-org/dendrite && ~/go/bin/dendrite-demo-yggdrasil -peer tcp://x.x.x.x:xxxx and point a local Riot at http://localhost:8008 😈

matrix-docs-jp さんがブースト

Synapse release candidate time. v1.15.0rc1 contains new SSO features and more perf work for worker installs. Check it out and help us test. github.com/matrix-org/synapse/

