I'm not really sure why I started my mastodon instance. A few years ago I quit all social media, stopped hosting my blog, burned all the bridges. It took away too much if my free time. And now my account just sits here, collecting dust. There is a lot of stuff I'd like to write about, and I'm pretty sure there would be at least a few interested people. I just threw out my whole network, and built my own router. I'm sure it would be an interresting read. But documenting the whole thing, then translating everything to english is taking up too much time. I'm pretty sure it also has to do with me getting older. Damn this is getting deep... and I have no idea what this post is supposed to be about... :D
Fedibird だけでも遊び倒せるのに、ディズニーを超えそうな勢いでアトラクションが豊富です。
映画ドン という鯖もあるんですね。
#fedibird に拠点を構えていることのメリットは、面白そうなインスタンスを見つけても慌てて引越しに悩まなくて良いところ。
解離性同一性障害DID(多重人格)・診断済の極彩色(身体女性40代) の一人格である安全圏・紫雲(むらくも)・男の専用アカウントです。
仲良くしてくれると嬉しいです(*^^*)情報収集&交流用につくりました。ただいま、11人格います。Twitterでは @kumotachi2 でつぶやいています。