理由は、リアルではめっちゃ無口だけど頭の中にはパンパンに言いたいことが詰まってるタイプだから。こういうテキストタイプのSNS? があって初めて吐き出せる。
本当にありがたいです 。
Last night as I was dosing off, I had a stroke of genius and setup
"like keywords(or something like that)"
which allowed toots with certain keywords to magically appear in my Home Timeline. I was like
"My timeline is way better like this😂 !!"
And ofcourse I woke up and forgot how to do it.
#fedibird #mastodon
自動で承認制にしてくれてる#fedibird さんありがとうございます!
Emoji reaction is only on Fedibird (in Mastodon). For apps, it's available only on Subway Tooter (Android) so please enjoy it from the Web.
Originally it was a feature on a server software called Misskey. It's partially compatible with server softwares such as Plemora. It's actually available on many different servers.
QT: https://fedibird.com/@noellabo/109385071019206101 [参照]
初心者! 女性です! New at mastodon.
雑多な独り言多めです。I tend to talk about all sorts of randome stuff.
Interests are:
#読書 #Reading
#中川家 #nakagawake
#クロッキー #figuredrawing
#ジェスドロ #gesturedrawing #簿記3級 #勉強 #study
#バレットジャーナル #bulletjournal #bujo