核のごみ「文献調査」報告書 全国で初めて北海道寿都町に提出 - NHKニュース|社会
> The prime target was South Vietnam. The aggression later spread to the North, then to the remote peasant society of northern Laos, and finally to rural Cambodia, which was bombed at the stunning level of all allied air operations in the Pacific region during World War II, including the two atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In this, #HenryKissinger’s orders were being carried out — “anything that flies on anything that moves” — a call for genocide that is rare in the historical record. Little of this is remembered.
> .. we are failing to commemorate the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s decision to launch the most destructive and murderous act of aggression of the post-World War II period: the invasion of South Vietnam, later all of Indochina, leaving millions dead and four countries devastated, with casualties still mounting from the long-term effects of drenching #SouthVietnam with some of the most lethal carcinogens known, undertaken to destroy ground cover and food crops.
#KennedyOnVietnam #JFK #RethinkingCamelot
> ユリイカ2025年1月号 特集=ハン・ガン
> 2024年ノーベル文学賞受賞記念
傷をつくるのも癒すのも同じ人間であるということを、 ハン・ガンは果てしないスペクトラムとして物語の中に描き出す。『菜食主義者』『少年が来る』『別れを告げない』『すべての、白いものたちの』……数々の名作によって導き出されてきた他者への愛が、惨たらしい暴力の中にある人間の生の儚さを照らす灯として、いま世界中で必要とされている。ハン・ガンの苛烈かつ静謐な作品風景に迫り、さまざまな痛みと回復の過程を見つめる。
【対談】斎藤真理子×宮地尚子【エッセイ】石井美保/井手俊作/温又柔/頭木弘樹/金承福/きむふな/崔誠姫/奈倉有里/古川綾子…【論考】今村純子/岩川ありさ/江南亜美子/菊間晴子/金ヨンロン/佐藤泉/須藤輝彦/髙山花子/寺尾紗穂/真鍋祐子/森山恵/山家悠平/吉川凪/梁・永山聡子/渡辺直紀…【資料】udtt book club ハン・ガン全作品解題
#ハンガンさん #韓江さん #ハンカンさん (今まで名前を間違えてタッグつけていた) #ノーベル文学賞
> 行家本色 プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀「外国人労働者に何が?支援の第一人者に密着」
#外国人労働者 #研修生
> 1971年、カリフォルニア州バークレーにアメリカで初めて、地域の農家と食べ手を直接つなぐフランス料理店「シェ・パニース」が開店した。旬を生かした料理と気取らないあたたかさで客をもてなし、予約の取れない人気店となった「シェ・パニース」。その在り方はのちに「地産地消」...
> 2023年、アリスの集大成となる書籍『スローフード宣言 ― 食べることは生きること―』(海士の風)の出版1周年を記念して、著者来日ツアーが開催された。アリスが日本各地を訪れ、学校給食を味わい、大地の守り手である生産者、料理人と触れ合っていく。そこで語られる力強い言葉と、彼女のまなざしが日本の「美しさ」を浮き彫りにする。日本、そして彼女の拠点であるカリフォルニア・バークレーでの取材を通じて、「おいしい革命」の探求へと向かう。未来につなぐための映画は、きっとあらゆる人の食卓を変えていく。
#OrganicVegetables #SIlkyChickens #AliceWaters #EdibleYard #EdibleSchoolYard #DeliciousRevolution #食育菜園 #おいしい革命
When the cat's away, the mouse will fry --- with apologies to Bob Marley (in Rat Race) One egg, one chayote, one onion.. I'm bad to the bone... One Kabosha, one chayote, one onion... --- with apologies to George Thorogood #MimataFrying #Chayote #Kaboscha #EggAndOnion #大雑把の雄料理
Japan as Number One!?!?!
> The Pentagon does not release data on bases. But Vine’s research shows that it has more than 750 overseas US military bases in about 80 countries – more than any empire in world history.
#DavidVine #BaseNation #USAMIlitaryBases #JapanAsNumber1 #USBasesInJapan
> The US military is vast in scale, with a carbon footprint larger than any other institution.. disclosure of its emissions of greenhouse gases, it’s been kept off the books – and has been let off the hook.
> “It’s the elephant in the room,” said #DavidVine, author of, #BaseNation: How US #MilitaryBases Abroad Harm America and the World. “It operates with this kind of cloak of invisibility despite having a long track record of very serious damage.”
> ... thousands of Vietnamese.. “still die from the effects of American chemical warfare,” so we learn from the Israeli press, where the veteran correspondent #AmnonKapeliouk describes what he saw in Saigon hospitals: children dying of cancer ... describing South Vietnam, which was targeted for chemical warfare by John F. Kennedy and his successors.. he listened to the “hair-raising stories that remind me of what we heard during the trials of #Eichmann and #Demjanjuk”
#RethinkingCamelot #JFK #JohnFKennedy #KennedyOnVietnam
"Concern about the government’s revived push for nuclear energy grew after a magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit Japan’s Noto Peninsula on Jan. 1, 2024, killing more than 400 people and damaging more than 100,000 structures. The quake caused minor damage to two nearby nuclear facilities, and evacuation plans for the region were found to be inadequate."
"Data cover ups and mistakes by the operator" might be common enough in the nuclear industry for the case to be considered "normal"
> The verdict comes after more than eight years of safety reviews that were repeatedly disrupted by data coverups and mistakes by the operator, Yamanaka said. He called the case “abnormal” and urged the utility to take the result seriously.
#JapansNukes #NuclearIndustry #脱原発
/HT @bojacobs
> Via John Gruber, here is a striking series of photographs of workers in toy factories in China...
> The photographs are the result of visits to 5 factories in mainland China, where 75% of the world's toys are manufactured.
#InvisibleHands #見えざる手
#KieranHealy #JohnGruber #FactoriesInChina #TheInvisibleHand in photos #InvisibleHandPhotos
I tested Threads. In my experience, this is how Threads compare to Mastodon:
— The algorithm decides if your content is visible to others. Some content gets zero exposure for reasons which are not transparent.
— Sharing links to other platforms makes the algorithm suppress your content's visibility.
— Slower to use.
— Only one app allowed, and it does not support iPads and other tablets.
— Ads are coming in early 2025.
— You cannot run your own server.
— Your data is mined by Zuckerberg.
> Vijay Prashad, director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, says the “bellicose” tone out of Washington is not because the U.S. sees China as a military threat, but because China threatens U.S. dominance in the scientific, technological and diplomatic spheres. “It’s very chilling what the U.S. government is doing in ramping up this cold war,” says #Prashad.
#VijayPrashad #ComingWarOnChina #ColdWar #USA #China #NearPeer
> There has been quite a bit of news both in the US and over here about #China building air strips in the #SpratlyIslands in the #SouthChinaSea and almost nothing about the fact that the #USA has surrounded China with some four hundred military bases that stretch all the way from #Australia through the Pacific up through #Asia, #Korea, #Japan and across #Eurasia.
#JohnPilger and #ThomHartmann on #ComingWarOnChina #China #BaseNation #DavidVine
> In 1949, China declared independence, an event known in Western discourse as “the #LossOfChina” — in the U.S., with bitter recriminations and conflict over who was responsible for that loss. The terminology is revealing. It is only possible to lose something that one owns. The tacit assumption was that the #USA owned #China, by right, along with most of
the rest of the world
#JohnPilger's #ComingWarOnChina #documentary made me think of these lines by #NoamChomsky
Another visualization of the USA pres. elections since 2016. Talks about USA elections often sound like those among people rooting for professional sports teams. We should be discussing policy and participation... So VTO, Voter Turnout's been interesting, and now I want to see the TurnOut in relation to the VAP, Voting Age Population and VEP, Voting Eligible Population. Years ago Chomsky mentioned vote-counts being within statistical margins of error. See it here?
@bsmall2@writing.exchange @bsmall2@fedibird.com