Low&Slow.Disk Presents PLEASURE DOME vol. 8: 9/7Sep—6PM DOOR—7PM SHOW—¥2500+food/drink—飲食別。アルマジロ、テクサス/米西部テーマ居酒屋でライブ・パーティー!
a-fank syndicate (三河)
Goove Kitchen (名古屋)
〒465-0024 名古屋市名東区本郷2丁目219
☎️ 052-771-2600
名古屋ICスグ! 地下鉄本郷駅より徒歩2分
@Ttubretep Pre-Raphaelite vibe is strong. Thanks for sharing.
先、個人アカウントに9月7日に出演する会場、アルマジロ、のイベントリンクは限られたフレンドまでしか公開したなかったのにフェースブックに自動削除された。やばいなFB。AI頭悪い。近未来のAI暗殺ドローン危ないな!Facebook deleted this link, shared to a limited audience, from my personal account. WTF? It's a link to a restaurant where we're gonna perform on September 7th. God help us when the AI assasin drones go live.
今週金曜日、7月12日に日本時間21時からすごい選曲に #blastingrod を含まれる。https://hardrockhellradio.com リンク先の下辺のLIVEまでスクロールとそのまま配信可能。 In the Atom Heart Mutha podcast thos friday, 1pm in the UK, 9pm in Japan, "check your local listings." Scroll down for the LIVE player.
Mojave Green Blasting Rod, 3 formats IN STOCK at Shiny Beast Mail-Order (NL): N/100 CD with obi ribbon and 6panel, 4 color artwork, N/50 hemp bioplastic cassettes, and N/100 180g Japanese vinyl with obi ribbon, 6 panel 4 color art & Japnese liner notes, including N/25 velvet mixed-media prints.
+Independent record store B2B via Clear Spot
Mojave Green Blasting Rod now shipping from the US in 3 formats via #bandcamp 15/100 CD with oversized obi ribbon and 6 panel full-color artwork, 15/50 hemp bioplastic shell cassette tapes, and 30/100 180g black Japanese vinyl LP with obi ribbon and 6 panel artwork printed by Niwa Paper, Osaka, including 5/25 with additional hand-made signed and numbered velvet blacklight mixed-media prints.
6/27 Imaike HUCK FINN. Karly Jewell, and Shotgun Mistress cross the equator to take Nagoya by storm! Bring yer Vegemite 'cause this baby's gonna be hot enough to toast damn near anything. BUT WAIT! THERE's MORE! For the 1st time, we've got all 3 ed. of our new album, Mojave Green: 180g black Japanese vinyl, 4 w/ handmade velvet blacklight art, CD w/ custom artwork, and HEMP bioplastic cassette tapes. Don't miss this Thursday night ripppaaaah!
Some loony tunes for you'uns....pst...Blasting Rod in the mix. ページを開くと割とすぐサイケな選曲を流される⏯ボタンがある。@mixcloud アプリあればバックグラウンド(画面閉じても)再生でもできる。
The always delightful, London Calling — Shades of Rock includes some Blasting Rod again. Great show. Check it out!
MOJAVE GREEN Blasting Rid now streaming on every digital platform known to man, or will be in a matter of hours. Records/Tapes/CDs in the wild for the #solstice , summer up north, winter down under. 25 180g LPs come with hand-made #velvet #blacklight prints. We're playing Huck Finn in Imaike next Thursday if ya wanna pick one up on your way home from work. レコード、CD、カセットは #夏至 発売ですが、もう配信/デジタル用は公開中!27日に 今池HUCK FINN ではLPの初会場売りですので、木曜日 #レコ発 #パーティー、 レッツゴー!
Anthology news, 15jun2024 #anthology #music #news https://library.hrmtc.com/2024/06/15/anthology-news-15jun2024/
Steve Howe takes a direct shot from the muse describing Blasting Rod as "EARTHLESS being consumed by an evil spirit for a bleak slice of Desert Rock that has epic moments of SONIC manipulation added for the sheer hell of it all." 👏👏👏 夏至発売/発信新作の英文レビュー。New album out EVERYWHERE on the solstice. LPs shipping a couple weeks behind schedule due to production delays. Sorry.
the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.
#bloomsday2024 #ulysses01 #ブルームズデー #ブルームの日
We'll be performing a piece with lyrics extrapolated from The Sirens chapter of James Joyce's Ulysses at Studio 246 Nagoya tonight after 9pm JST. ¥2500 cash-only at the door. BYOB. No open containers near the stage. 今夜はジェイムズ・ジョイスのユリシーズより部分的に引用して作詞した曲を演奏します。持ち込みOK、ステージの部屋にはペットボトルみたいな閉め直せる物以外は開き禁止。
10pm Saturday in Oregon. I think that's 2pm Sunday in Japan. Blasting Rod in the mix for the Dr. Yeti Radio Show on the Oregon Country Fair radio. 米オオレゴン州はめっちゃ時差あるけど、多分日本時間は日曜日午後2時からの番組はブラスティングロッドを含む。リンク先からすぐ聴けると思う。 https://www.kocf.org/live-stream/
Various facets of our leisuraise as we travel around the world, or whatever. 「日米混合パワーロックトリオによる、 摩訶不思議なロックの世界を冒険しよう!」 (吉村暢) [かなりロックに精通したメンバーがいるバンドだな…」 (アレアッツィオーネ) We're a Japamurican band. Woo Hoo.