蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Researchers from Stanford University have found that programmers who accept help from AI tools like Github Copilot produce less secure code than those who fly solo.

I’m sure you’d find the same thing of developers who blindly cut & paste from Stack Overflow.

The root issue is the same, people who don’t understand the code they got from someone else write less secure code. Doesn’t matter if it was an AI or Stack Overflow poster.


蘭鳩 さんがブースト

A 55 second short. MASSIVE.
Took 9 minutes to check copyright. Such a generic synth soundtrack it sounds like everything?????😂

#scifi #music #miniatures


蘭鳩 さんがブースト

BREAKING - an apparently credible threat actor is claiming they have the data of 400,000,000 Twitter users and attempting to sell it

The database is private according to them, and contains devastating amounts of information including emails and phone numbers to high profile users.

The threat actor provided a sample of 1,000 notable accounts and included the private information of - AOC, Brian Krebs, Vitalik Buterin, Kevin O'Leary, Donald Trump JR, and many more.

They claim this data was obtained in early 2022 due to an exploit in Twitter and in their post they talk directly to Elon Musk asking him to buy the data to avoid GDPR lawsuits.

Please note - At this stage it is not possible to fully verify that there are indeed 400,000,000 users in the database, or that it indeed came directly from Twitter. In an independent verification the data itself appears to be legitimate and I will follow up on any developments.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

FTX's founder being arrested for fraud, Elon losing billions and being the butt of every joke, Trump being investigated for multiple criminal charges, and amazon losing billions in stock.

We're so close to real consequences, it's like Christmas! Actually it is.

#twitter #ftx #trump #amazon

One problem with the Microsoft ergonic keyboard: Very hard to open. So here we go again looking for a new one.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

The explosion in growth for Mastodon, including among mainstream, non-tech users, is genuinely exciting. That an open-source, interoperable, nonprofit-driven protocol could reach this kind of success is incredible. The future looks bright ❤️

Chotto stressful wake-up here with a broken keyboard. The old ones all work fine. Just the shiny new one dead.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Too much social media news today - but final one is this. What a complete shitshow... - Twitter abruptly bans all links to Instagram, Mastodon, and other competitors, and then deletes new policy theverge.com/2022/12/18/235152

蘭鳩 さんがブースト
蘭鳩 さんがブースト

A front page article on the Washington Post telling people how to get started with Mastodon?

That’s a big deal.


蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Imagine, if you will, a long-time heavy smoker's laugh. That's me, right now, even though I have never smoked even once in my life. yahoo.com/entertainment/tesla-

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Bird app falling apart is something to watch.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Get ready to welcome more people tonight. I have a feeling more peeps are making the jump to Mastodon this evening. Just a hunch.

day 14 was a funny one. Completely stuch in a void last night. Solved in a little less than an hour this morning.

蘭鳩 さんがブースト

And a lot of this is what these market makers do—they “provide liquidity,” but in practice, it’s just wash trading. But here’s the hard part: You can’t prove it’s wash trading without the exchange’s internal records. So I’m stuck just showing that, well, all these people that are supposedly buying this thing just end up sending it right back to the exchange. So what’s actually going on?



蘭鳩 さんがブースト

Elon Musk continues to use his platform on Twitter to spread dangerous rightwing disinformation, most recently taking a swipe both at the trans community and Dr. Fauci.

In response, Dr. Fauci clapped back with a brutally accurate description of Musk's Twitter.

Definitely worth a watch.


Day 13 Again falling in every trap. But today it was easier to recover. Looking forward to more elegant solutions on r/aoc later tonight.


