Nexus5 さんがブースト



英紙の皮肉「大阪万博の混乱はドキュメンタリー番組の最高のネタだ」 | この時代に万博を開催する意味はあるのか | クーリエ・ジャポン courrier.jp/news/archives/3478

Nexus5 さんがブースト

On ne le rappellera jamais assez :
"Depuis 1980, on compte 29 lois sur l’immigration, soit en moyenne une tous les 17 mois. Depuis 1945, on a eu droit à 117 textes sur le sujet. Ça en fait des lois de la dernière chance."

Nexus5 さんがブースト



Nexus5 さんがブースト
Nexus5 さんがブースト

Patreon Live Sessions: December 2023

Tous les mois, un mix "club" exclusif, compilé et mixé par Faskil.


@msquebanh@mstdn.ca Oh thank you so much! I’ll give it a try when I find a tasty broccoli🥦

@msquebanh@mstdn.ca It looks delicious! If you could point me to a decent recipe for such dish, it would be appreciated. Thank you.

Nexus5 さんがブースト

"Et allez, encore un qui demande la démission de Darmanin pour Noël, ils ne veulent que ça cette année !"

Nexus5 さんがブースト
Nexus5 さんがブースト

Bitcoin mining produces as much carbon emissions as Greece, and as much waste from small IT equipment as the Netherlands.

It is a prime example of how economic growth is only possible through the use of more energy and resources, and how this growth is increasingly disconnected from what people actually need.


#bitcoin #energy #climatechange #economy #waste

Nexus5 さんがブースト

@mart1oeil Sunak, son ile ne tourne pas sans immigres mais il veut lutter contre l'immigration ?! Je veux meme pas savoir par quel limbo mental il passe pour gerer une telle contradiction.

Nexus5 さんがブースト

Instead of asking people why they’re not welcoming a surveillance capitalist like Meta with open arms maybe ask yourself why you are.

#meta #threads #mastodon #fediverse #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming

@OctaviaConAmore Ok so you have an aikido background, I understand now.
Great things you have a partner for practicing! :ablobcall: I may have to convince a couple of people at my dojo to practice with me 😅 And yes, protect your violinist fingers at all cost :blobcatbandage:

@OctaviaConAmore I did not know you were training! You are a lady of many talents😺 Do you practice jodo? Staffs are the best, “pacific” weapons I know. Not designed to harm people, but help self-defense.

It has been on my mind for the longest time, but after discussing with my sensei I finally started self-training with a bō (long staff). I’m studying the basics with video material, and started daily 10-15min exercises in a neighbor park. My mid-term objective is to learn a kata and do a small demonstration in my dojo to other black belts!

Nexus5 さんがブースト

The last time Facebook embraced an open federated standard they did it for precisely long enough to saturate server-to-server contacts between an already existing userbase and their stuff, then shut off that federation and told anyone cut off by it to just come to Facebook instead.

This is literally something they did. This is in their playbook.

The people running the stuff behind the scenes were blindsided by it; it was an executive decision. Those people wanted to build the thing in good faith and the Business Plan was to let them until the time was right to strike.

That we're again going "It seems to be done right, let's give them a chance" is a little infuriating considering I was pretty impacted by the fallout of the last time.

Nexus5 さんがブースト

If for whatever reason you never wish to interact with #Threads, you can personally block it for your account. This hides all posts and profiles from Threads, prevents anyone from Threads from following you, and stops your posts from being delivered to or fetched by Threads. Simply click the "Block domain threads.net" option on any Threads profile or post you see in Mastodon.

Nexus5 さんがブースト

PSA: bluesky sends your posts to an AI company, if you're an artist and you move to bluesky, you're feeding the thing you're fighting against.


#warning #psa #art #bluesky #migration

Nexus5 さんがブースト
